
Drawing of an astronomer behind a telescope

Occultation of the TYCHO-2 1905 00864 star by the Hermione (121) asteroid

The original scan image can be downloaded. Observing location: Montastruc-La-Conseillère, South of France. Longitude 1 degree 36 minutes 48 secondes. Latitude : 43 degrees 43 minutes 12 secondes. Altitude : 198 meters.

This occultation took place on 17 February 2004. Clearly there was no occultation from my location.

Instrumentation and software

Scanning Data

Acquisition Process

Note: The acquisition script stopped on 23:36:45 h instead of 23:38 h.

Final scan image as a Jpeg (Hermione is on the right):


Scan of Hermione.